Wednesday 28 April 2010

No Trash New York

My friends over at IDEO have produced this incredible vid s part of Living Climate Change.

The guys imagine Manhattan in 2030 as a city without trash. What I like about this is that its easily reachable...maybe more like 2012 than 2030. When most people consider the environmental impact of trash, steamy landfills and smoky incinerators come to mind. But this is real, its very now and cool

NO TRASH NYC 2030 from IDEO on Vimeo.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Simple Uniqlo Chic

Twitter Predictions

Got sent this beauty from one of the 'Mindshare Royalty' in NY.

Over at HP they were studying 3 million tweets for 25 movies and identified that the rate at which tweets were produced predicted the box office takings before the film opened.

Apparently, on the basis of tweets alone the research guys predicted that The Crazies would take $16.8m in its first weekend in the US. It actually took $16.06m.

The team forecast that romantic drama Dear John would take $30.71m in its first US weekend. It took $30.46m.

It doesn't come as a surprise that the quicker the word of mouth, the better the performance of the movie and now we can calibrate that word of mouth the impact on the movie business could be game changing.

It may be nit-picking but I think that Twitter would be pretty good at predicting the opening weekend of movie releases, first week sales of a cell phone etc but two things spring to mind:

1. Twitter is about opinions, so this approach works if there are breakouts or stinkers

2. Twitter is fickle - its not going to be so good at predicting the 'legs' of a movie as very quickly there will be another shiny object for the twitterati to focus on