The Timex Rose Royce watch gives us that 1980s simple digital clock interface, stopwatch to 1/100th of a second, is slim enough to fit under your shirt cuff and doesn't follow that flourescent fad that every boyband member is sporting these days
In today's semantic web enabled world, there is an imbalance in the information available and the money made from it. The Analytics Arbitrageurs are constantly looking for ways to recognize value in this overlooked 'stock' then swoop in to buy it before everyone else gets the same idea and drives up the price. Welcome to our world
1 comment:
Not available in the UK, apparently... try these instead:
Well bling. Like Kanye in Hi-Tecs.
Read and believe it... Twenty five, yes, twenty five phone numbers stored in something as tiny as a huge digital watch. Where will the madness stop? Roll-A-Dex must be quaking in its boots.
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