The guys at Rockstar games took their time with the iphone app of the game (ie didnt rush it out for christmas) and for that alone they should be applauded.

You play Huang; you've landed in Liberty City to deliver an ancient sword to your Uncle Kenny to ensure his family retains control of the Triad gangs of Liberty City. Huang is a spoiled rich kid who expects everything to run smoothly, but his trip does not go exactly as planned. After being robbed and left to die, he will search for honour, riches and revenge in the most dangerous and morally bankrupt city in the world. You buy and sell drugs for a profit, hotwire cars, meet women for hookups and race from the cops - truly addictive
The iphone app is a little pricey (£5.99 / $9.99) but remember this is a fully blown game with incredible depth of storyline. The interaction between you and the kingpins and druglords are funny as hell and you will burn more hours and battery life than you will originally care for....the only thing I don't like is that the iphone may become the default platform for the GTA franchise in the future
On the flipside it may be the impetus i need to get that ipad!