Monday 10 May 2010

Converse - still taking risks, rocking it and relevant

Thanks Ben and the folks at for this - pure branding using google adwords?! Not for everyone but if you are converse, everyone is your target audience and you want to drive people through interesting content AND tie them back to your home page....why not?

Converse Domaination from Ross Martin on Vimeo.


SuperBread said...

That's an award winning case study. Really nice concept and execution.

Would be nice to see the impact on BA and UPBA, YOY obviously decorrelated from seasonality, competitors spends and so on. The usual stuff.

Why dont people do a case study of a case study. Like in a year, reviewing the true impact of this campaign?

Steve Simpson said...

I think that's an incredible idea...i am going to suggest it to the client! Thanks