Spotify is an advertising supported music app that allows you to listen to any track absolutely free. It's just like iTunes - but you don't have to pay for the music. The only downside is that you hear a 20 second advert every 10 tracks or so. For a small fee, you can opt out of these ads.

It also looks like itunes with a makeover and you can create play lists that then can be shared with friends. There are already websites like Spotyshare and YourSpotify out there where you can show off your compilation skills by uploading the http links to your play lists to share with others.
Could it ultimately kill iTunes? Well maybe, but it needs improvement. If it partnered with a mobile phone manufacturer people could then stream music direct to their phone and you wouldnt need to store it. Also it would need a download facility - everyone wants to own their music
Finally i would love to see an ipod genius type feature or recommendation feature - i am addicted to genius right now and just imagine what it would be like if had more than your own crappy library to choose from!
Go. To. Now!
Yes, you're behind the times. Just behind Gail Porter on The Gadget Show in fact.
Ok, I admit it was pillow talk. Also I am already making improvements to Spotify, Gail Porter used to be the queen of FHM - they even did a projection onto the House of Commons, then her hair fell out and she became a geek like me.
I begin on internet with a directory
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