Friday 26 June 2009

Just had to post this

I heard news of Michael Jackson's death brought the internet down today. Google lost $3bn in ad revenues and also go out and buy 10,000 new servers. Alright, I made that up but you know what I mean.

I really wanted to resist posting about Michael and I saw all those tweets from Miley Cyrus, Britney and Katy Perry. Let's face it - these girls grew up on 'Dangerous' who knows what they would have done if they were in a house where 'Thriller' was on heavy rotation.

Anyway, in a similar way that we love Wordle; twitscoop captures the hastags and displays them over time - I know you guys are impatient, the video warms up after about 55 seconds!

Nice video, cool technology - sad friday. RIP

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