Wednesday 2 June 2010

Got more data?

At what point does the rate at which data is created by the web outstrip the ability to store it all? What sort of cloud size would that be? And how could marketers make sense of all that?

Soon enough everything will have an RFID chip and data will explode, you hear it all the time. Everything will produce data through sensors (Natal..seen the video), they will all be linked and it will happen at tremendous speed. What I also see a trend towards on the back of this is fatter and fatter reports full of "key information you just shouldn't miss". I don't know about you, but I don't need an aggregator - I just want the insight to tell me how to improve what I am currently doing

So what we are trying to do is tell our clients the 3 things they need to know when undertaking a digital marketing they maximise earned media but also shape it. It's our job to multi-source imperfect data and piece together different weights of evidence.

So on one hand we shouldn't produce a doorstop when a one page summary is required (was it ever any other way?) but on the other hand we shouldn't create a cool infographic just because its cool

Better get on with it then - its not easy!


SuperBread said...

Was thinking about that after attending the IBM Smart Planet reveal somewhere in knightsbridge last year.

I thought: How will we manage this explosion of data. (we probably will have to work as much on it as before, increase of the amount of data, being countered by how we analyse and process it better and faster)

So analytics guys' jobs are safe pfeeewwww...and skills requirements going up... so it's "YAY" time I'd say.

and also, we'll get finally around being efficient in the way we live and that's about time.

and then I went back to the office and made a report that nobody understood as they said, "thanks for the report, great report"

My report was data turned into relevant information, but information put in a channel where it would die alone (somebody's inbox), so basically useless as its chances to reach the people who take decisions were hindered by people natural tendencies to be unconfortable around change.

my main point being data should be the starting point within processes that create actions, not processes that either store the data and make some more data. And this seems to be the way it works.

We need more data for more information, harnessed within processes that enable actions. IMO, creation of new processes seem as important as the ability to churn out more data

Steve Simpson said...

I totally agree SuperBread - we are spending a lot of time creating dashboards with interesting information on them but I feel we are having the wrong conversation with them.

The more interesting conversation is 'Do this, don't worry about paying an extra 10% on your CPC because you get this much extra buzz, this many more people got to your branded experience and then you get X% extra sales'

That's why I do this job...all the stuff I am doing today just feels like the warm up!