Thursday 3 June 2010

Twitter kills RSS

I don't use my google reader anymore. It's just a pain to open up and I end up with this sea of vomitlinks . I also got one of those wave accounts from google too but it didn't significantly impact my collaboration efforts.

What I have noticed about twitter is that the majority of the people I follow solely retweet the links to all the interesting stuff they find on the web. Sure there's the odd one who says 'Out with my crew on the rooftop bar of...' (you know who you are) and that's cool but the phenomenon of retweeting and tweeting using url shorteners means that my trusted contacts do all the editing for me

For our clients, following this argument through tells us that twitter is a useful way of driving engaged traffic to your site, bounce rates low and average time spent high. By tracking that twitter data you can also see who are your real fans, they keep coming back. Better yet you can see who clicks on the link within a few seconds of it being tweeted. They want your content. It's also interesting to see the information is spread within existing Twitter networks, as in who is influencing who. And all of this happens in real time.

Sorry, don't have any ideas yet on how to make your content relevant, engaging and timely!

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