Monday 24 January 2011

Why aren't we all banging on about Net-Neutrality?

Question: What's great about the internet?
Answer: You do everything there...Yes everything!

If you want to get a balanced opinion, and by balanced I mean views across the spectrum you go to the internet. Sure there will be some nut-jobs on there telling you that YouTube cats falling from trees are the work of the illuminati but that's what's cool about it

If net neutrality disappears, Google, Verizon and Comcast will control access and content. Isn't that what happens when you create a fast lane?

If they control the speed they quickly control our opportunity to voice our opinion. If you pay for speed access this blog (and hundreds of thousands much better ones than this) will die. There will be a much shorter tail and culture will be owned exclusively a small number of big players

I want to find my truth by listening to the world, surely we don't want the internet to look like Fox News?

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