Monday 6 July 2009

Things have changed since snake!

Call this jealousy but I don't understand why the phone has all these apps? There are more than 50,000 applications ranging from Sonic the Hedgehog (yes Ella...I know, Sonic is better than Brickbreaker) to the hopeless LolCat. Oh and yes, the 3GS makes them even better

So I started looking for cool apps for my BlackBerry Storm (and stopped as playing them will kill the battery). There are loads of development applications out there for all the new phones - those iphone users can't be so smug!

But wait, so now we have a bucketload of applications that are developed for handsets and not networks. How did that happen? Networks know where you are, can provide interactivity through messaging and second by second billing for acquiring power-ups

Did I miss something?

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